martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011

My personal opinion about UFOs

For people, UFOs are beings from another planet. Some people believe in them and some people not, but do they really exist? From my point of view, the videos in which appear UFOs are fakes or misunderstandigs, because I don't think that there is life in other planets, it has no sense. What are doing so clever people here? Why are they watching us instead of talk with us? Why they don't show themselves? Do they have fear? In that case... why? 

I think we are completely alone in the universe, and UFOs are just pure fabrications from movies.

domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Reporting a crime.

X: Police station, shall we do anything to help?
Lily: Yes, I’ve seen a crime.
X: Ok, tell me, what had happened?
Lily: I was watching TV and suddenly I heard a shout then I went to the door and I heard a lot of shouts. The voice was saying: “please, help me, help me!”.
X: Where was it?
Lily: On my block of flats.
X: I need more details.
Lily: I don’t know more details.
X: Ok, where do you live?
Lily: In Cupboard’s street, come quickly, please!
X: Don’t worry, a police car is going there.
Lily: Thanks.
X: Who has called the police?
Lily: Me!
X: In what flat have you listened the shouts?
Lily: First flat.
X: Ok, stay here.
Lily: Ok…

X: It was the TV, girl.
Lily: Really?
X: Yes.
Lily: Oh… I’m so sorry!
X: Don’t worry, you’re not the first!
Lily: Oh… That’s embarrassing!
X: Haha, bye!
Lily: Bye! 

In a shop

Lily: Can I help you?
X: Yes please. I’m looking for a pair trousers.
Lily: What kind of trousers?
X: A trousers which has starts and flowers.
Lily: I think I know what trousers are them. Follow me.
X: Ok, I follow you.
Lily: Are those your trousers?
X: Oh, yes, they are! Can I try it on, please?
Lily: Of course, in the fitting room, follow me.
X: Ok, thanks.
Lily: Here is the fitting room.
X: Thank you! I’m going to try it on!
Lily: Are you ready?
X: Yes.
Lily: How do they look?
X: I think I need a big size.
Lily: Oh, ok, what size are them?
X: A medium.
Lily: Ok, I’m going to give you a big size.
X: Thanks.
Lily: Here you are
X: Oh, they are perfect!
Lily: Yes, they are! They really suit you!
X: Yes, I want them! I’ll pay with credit card!
Lily: That’s perfect. I’ll be waiting for you in the cash register.
X: Ok, I’ll go right now!
X: Here is the credit card.
Lily: And here you are your trousers.
X: Thanks you! Bye!
Lily: Bye!

At the restaurant

Waiter: A table for you, lady?
X: Oh, yes, please, I want a table next to the window.
Waiter: Follow me.
X: Thanks. Can I have the menu, please?
Waiter: Of course, I’ll give it to you right now.
Waiter: Here you are.
X: Thank you.
Waiter: Do you want water?
X: Yes, a bottle of sparkled water, please. And a coke too.
Waiter: Ok, I’ll give it to you in a second.
Waiter: Here is your water and your coke.
X: Thank you.
Waiter: Are you ready to order now?
X: Hmm… no, can you come in a few minutes, please?
Waiter: Of course, I’ll be back in a minute.
Waiter: Are you ready?
X: Yes. First, I’ll have a tuna salad, then I’ll have grilled chicken with mashed potatoes. And… what desserts do you have?
Waiter: We have fruit, cake, ice cream, coffee…
X: What kinds of cake do you have?
Waiter: Chocolate, strawberry, vanilla…
X: Vanilla cake? Seriously? I want one!
Waiter: Ok, I’m going to give you your meal
X: Can I have the bill now?
Waiter: Of course, just a minute.
Waiter: Here you are. Are you going to pay with credit card?
X: No, I’ll pay in cash.
Waiter: Perfect.
X: Ok, see you!
Waiter: See you! 

At the doctor's

X: Sunny hospital, can I help you?
Lily: Hello, I’m calling for an appointment.
X: What’s your problem?
Lily: I have a terrible headache.
X: Ok, I’m going to look it, a minute, please.
X: Ok, can you come tomorrow at 11:00?
Lily: Oh, I can’t… can it be at 12:00?
X: Hmm.. yes, you can come at 12:00
Lily: Ok, thank you! See you tomorrow!
X: You’re welcome, bye!
X: Next!
Lily: Hi.
X: Oh, hi, you are… Lily, right?
Lily: Yes.
X: Ok, explain me, what’s your problem?
Lily: I’ve a headache, and this morning my throat starts to hurt
X: Ok, show me your tongue.
Lily: *strange noise*
X: Hmm, ok, now I’m going to listen to your chest. Breathe in.
Lily: *She breaths in*
X: Breathe off.
Lily: *She breaths off*
X: Ok, it’s alright. Your throat is becoming inflamed. Take these pills three times a day.
Lily: Ok, thanks you so much! Bye!
X: Bye! 

My favourite film.

My favourite kind of film are horror films, because their plot are very interesting and when you see an horror movie you have a lof of tension and you get frights.
            See a horror film can be funny too if you’re watching it with a friend, and when the film is in total silence you can shout and put your hand in your friend’s shoulder. Your friend will shout too, that’s funny!
            I love “Room 1408”, because I love the plot, and it has a lot of frights on it. John Cussack, the principal character, is one of my favourite actors, too.

            The film I’m going to talk about is V for Vendetta. V for Vendetta it’s a thriller. The story starts the 4th of November in a fictitious future, where England is governed by a fascist regime, whose name is Norsefire and whose leader it’s Adam Sutler. Evey Hammond, who works for the British Television Network, has been attacked by four members of the secret police, and V saves her. V sends a message by the British Television Networks asking the people to go with him the 5th of November of the next year when he will destroy the Parliament.  

I think you’re going to enjoy the film like I did. It’s a bit strange film, but it’s one of the best films I’ve ever seen. 


One day, I will be 20 years old. I will be studying and living in Granada with my friends. On my free time, I want to work as a baby sitter or something like that, because I don’t want to my parents pay all of my spenses. In summer, when I finish he university, I will travel as much as I’ll can. I’ll go to France, to Italy, to London and to Chicago. I will taste the typical food of all the countries I will travel to, and I’m going to see all the places I can. I’ll travel to Holland and Denmark too.

But when I’ll be here in Spain, I want to go to a lot of concerts. I don’t want to die without have seen my favourite band from the first line. I’ll be the happiest person in the world if I would do all of these things.

In my future, I will fulfil my dreams, and I’ll live in France for two or three years. When I’ll live there, I’m going to dye my hair, and it will be blonde.

I want a lot of photos of my youth, because, when I’ll an old-woman, I want to see my albums and smile, because I would have the most wonderful life in the world, because I would fulfilled my dreams, and I will be proud of myself.

Really, I want the simplest thing of the world. I want to study. Then, I want to work, I want to have my own house… I want to live my own life.

I would like to have a person that takes care of me. A husband. Or a wife, who knows, the life is very strange, and we’re always changing. I’ll have a family. I’ll get married and I’ll have two children. A girl whose name will be Anna, and a boy whose name will be Edward.

And I will win the lottery. I will be rich. Because if I achieve have all of this, nobody would be richer than me. I have a simple objective in the life, which is be happy. And nobody would make me unhappy, because nobody can hurt me. I’m strong. And I will be strong during all my life.

I don’t want to make a plan of my future, because this will be spontaneous, like me, like you, like us…